
What we do?

We analyze the data and choose the best matching algorithm to create a model. We will usually make many inquiries into the domain subject.

At this stage, it’s difficult to say what the business value will be.

After creating a proof of concept that delivers and proves the business value, we tune and improve the model to the maximal level possible in the given time.

As a result of Machine Learning, we integrate with the domain system via API to make it available for the end-users.

ALM Team

What is

ProCogitia focuses on data, maths, and logic with a bit of Python programming. So in ALM, we extracted the operations as the separated brand. We focus  on the three major areas: 

Predictive analytics with recommendation systems, customer segmentation, and churn prediction

Computer Vision  with face recognition, objects detection, and traffic tracking 

Natural Language Processing with chatbots, speech and text translation, sentiment analysis, and content moderation and anomaly detection.


What we do?

We analyze the data and choose the best matching algorithm to create a model. We will usually make many inquiries into the domain subject.

At this stage, it’s difficult to say what the business value will be.

After creating a proof of concept that delivers and proves the business value, we tune and improve the model to the maximal level possible in the given time.

As a result of Machine Learning, we integrate with the domain system via API to make it available for the end-users.

ALM Team

What is

ProCogitia focuses on data, maths, and logic with a bit of Python programming. So in ALM, we extracted the operations as the separated brand. We focus  on the three major areas: 

Predictive analytics with recommendation systems, customer segmentation, and churn prediction

Computer Vision  with face recognition, objects detection, and traffic tracking 

Natural Language Processing with chatbots, speech and text translation, sentiment analysis, and content moderation and anomaly detection.


What we do?

We analyze the data and choose the best matching algorithm to create a model. We will usually make many inquiries into the domain subject.

At this stage, it’s difficult to say what the business value will be.

After creating a proof of concept that delivers and proves the business value, we tune and improve the model to the maximal level possible in the given time.

As a result of Machine Learning, we integrate with the domain system via API to make it available for the end-users.

ALM Team

What is

ProCogitia focuses on data, maths, and logic with a bit of Python programming. So in ALM, we extracted the operations as the separated brand. We focus  on the three major areas: 

Predictive analytics with recommendation systems, customer segmentation, and churn prediction

Computer Vision  with face recognition, objects detection, and traffic tracking 

Natural Language Processing with chatbots, speech and text translation, sentiment analysis, and content moderation and anomaly detection.

Our other Brands

ALM Factory
ALM Innovations
ALM Dynamics

Our other Brands

ALM Factory
ALM Innovations
ALM Dynamics

Our other Brands

ALM Factory
ALM Innovations
ALM Dynamics